Backbone MVC Style Guide
Real MVC
- Keep views skinny, most of their logic concerns event management.
- Any communication between children and parent views should use events (do not pass an instance of the parent around).
- Should only know about children views.
- Should be scoped to a single element, and not access or alter other parts of the DOM.
- Should have a unique class name, and all CSS relevant to this controller should be namespaced by this class name.
- Should work even if their element is not appended to the DOM tree. This is useful for testing and demonstrating the controller is properly scoped.
- Should be testable by firing events programatically on their sub elements.
- Should be able to be re-rendered at any time without adverse effects.
- Should not use the DOM to store state — keep any view specific state stored as instance properties in the controller.
- Views are Data-Less, it means data belongs to models not views.
- Should be agnostic about template engine
- Should be logic less except for flow control and helper functions.
- Should be passed all the data they need to render directly. It should all be available in the current scope.
- Should purely be concerned with data, manipulating data and decorating data.
- Should never access controllers or views.
- Should never access or return DOM nodes.
- Should only access or require other models at runtime.
- Should abstract away XHR connections from the rest of the application.
- Should contain all data validations.
- Events are better than callbacks
- DOM events only affect models, when a DOM event occurs, such as a click on a button, don’t let it change the view itself. Change the model.
- DOM Changes only when the model changes, the easiest approach is to render again after each change, but you’d better render again your children views
- What is bound must be unbound, when a view is removed from the DOM using the
method, it must unbind from all the events it is bound to.
- Should always scope yourself to your own DOM element instead, using
instead of jQuery directly
- Should be as logic-less as possible.
- Should not know about or access the DOM.
Global state
- Should be kept to a minimum as it arguably violates MVC. You can’t get around it for some things though, like the current user, current view, CSRF token etc.
- Should never be stored in global variables.
- Should all be stored in one place (such as a singleton instance of a model).
- Should always use a module system, whether it’s CommonJS, AMD, ES6 modules, or something equivalent.
- Never set or access global variables.
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Xin(Khalil) Zhang
06 September 2015