Essential JavaScript Links
Originally forked from Essential JavaScript Links but modified according to personal favor.
This is a very exclusive collection of only must-have JavaScript links. I’m only listing my favorite links. Nothing else makes the cut. Feel free to suggest links if you think they’re good enough to make this list. The really curious should feel free to browse the comments to find other links. I can’t guarantee the quality of links in the comments.
Required Reading
- Learn JavaScript Essentials (for all skill levels) - One clear path to JavaScript mastery
- JavaScript Training Sucks 99 out of 100 JS developers lack the skills they need to fill hundreds of thousands of jobs. We can change that.
- The Two Pillars of JavaScript Part 1: Prototypal OO
- The Two Pillars of JavaScript Part 2: Functional Programming
- JavaScript Objects: An excellent explanation of inheritance in JavaScript by Kyle Simpson.
- Isomorphic JavaScript
- JavaScript Application Architecture on the Road to 2015 - Addy Osmani
- Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM: Great read, even if you’re not a React user.
- Introduction to Reactive Programming
- The General Theory of Reactivity: What is all this talk about reactive? Functional? Promises? This is the beginning of a reactive programming bible.
- ES6 Promises: This is a multi-part blog post series on the whys and hows and problems of Promises by Kyle Simpson.
- ES6 Generators: A series of blog posts by Kyle Simpson.
- Typed JavaScript: Excellent post about the state of typed JavaScript by Axel Rauschmayer
- Taming the Asynchronous Beast with CSP in JavaScript - James Long
- ES6 Modules: The Final Syntax by @rauschma #AMDisDead
- The Tech Behind the New The redesign on 2010, publicly switched to client-side templating, turning the server into something more like a simple API
- Facebook just taught us all how to build websites
- JavaScript-Garden: JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language.
- MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM syntax: BEM – meaning block, element, modifier – is a front-end naming methodology thought up by the guys at Yandex. It is a smart way of naming your CSS classes to give them more transparency and meaning to other developers. They are far more strict and informative, which makes the BEM naming convention ideal for teams of developers on larger projects that might last a while.
- Chrome DevTools: State Of The Union 2015: @addyosmani walks through the latest updates on your favourite debugging companion; exploring new features like paint profiling, animation inspection and updates to the JavaScript editing workflow with V8.
- JavaScript Scene: Learn JavaScript Essentials(for all skill levels) by Eric Elliott (author of Programming JavaScript Applications)
- miguelmota/javascript-idiosyncrasies: A bunch of Javascript idiosyncrasies, kinda.
- A Baseline for Front-End Developers: by @rmurphey on APR 12TH, 2012
- A Baseline for Front-End [JS] Developers: 2015: by @rmurphey on MAR 23RD, 2015
Required Viewing
Dailies and Weeklies
- JavaScript Weekly: A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of JavaScript news and articles.
- News]( News: 5 links every week, in your inbox.
- Fresh Brewed Frontend: A weekly reading digest for frontend developers. One email. Handpicked articles. Every Tuesday. No spam.
- HTML5 Weekly: A once–weekly HTML5 and Web Platform technology roundup.
CSS 3, Canvas, WebSockets, WebGL, Native Client, and more.
- CSS Weekly: A weekly e-mail roundup of css articles, tutorials, experiments and tools curated by Zoran Jambor.
- Mobile Web Weekly: A weekly round-up of the releases, articles, and links that affect Web developers working on the mobile-facing Web.
- Responsive Design Weekly: A free, once–weekly round-up of responsive design articles, tools, tips, tutorials and inspirational links.
- Web Design Weekly: A once a week email with no spam, no rambling. Just pure awesome links to the best news and articles to hit the interweb during the week.
- Node Weekly: A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles.
- Web Tools Weekly:
- EchoJS
- DailyJS: A JavaScript Blog.
- JavaScript Jabber
- A Drip of JavaScript: One quick JavaScript tip, delivered to your inbox every other week.
- Modern Web Observer
- Web Development Reading List: A handcrafted, carefully selected list of web development related resources. Published usually every week.
- DevOps Weekly newsletter
- DevOps newsletter by ServerDensity
- SysAdmin Casts newsletter
- Servers for hackers newsletter
- Docker Weekly newsletter
- Kubernetes Weekly newsletter
- Web Operations Weekly: A weekly newsletter on Web operations, infrastructure, performance, and tooling, from the browser down to the metal.
- Cloud Development Weekly: News, links and resources for developers working with cloud services, cloud APIs, and cloud-based tools
- This Week on Domains : A free weekly newsletter featuring the best and hand curated links related to domains, development, monetization, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
- NoSQL Weekly: A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles, new releases, jobs etc related to NoSQL.
- Founder Weekly: A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles,
how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
- Python Weekly: A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles, new releases, jobs etc related to Python.
- Ruby Weekly: A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
- Go Newsletter: A weekly newsletter about the Go programming language.
- DB Weekly: A weekly round-up of database technology news and articles covering new developments, SQL, NoSQL, document databases, graph databases, and more.
- MySQL Newsletter: Unofficial Weekly News Digest of all things MySQL
- Postgres Weekly: A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of PostgreSQL news and articles
- Data Science Weekly Newsletter: A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles and jobs related to Data Science.
- Big Data Weekly: A free, hand-curated weekly round-up of Big Data news and links.
- Github Explore: Browse interesting projects, solving all types of interesting problems.
- SaaS Weekly: A weekly email of useful links for people interested in SaaS businesses.
- ng-newsletter: The free, weekly newsletter of the best AngularJS content on the web. Hand-picked content by the experts in Angular - delivered directly to your inbox.
- Ember Weekly: The latest Ember.js news, tips & code delivered directly to your inbox.
- HTML5 Game Development Newsletter: Weekly newsletter
about HTML5 Game Development.
- Offline First Reader: We live in a disconnected & battery powered world, but our technology and best practices are a leftover from the always connected & steadily powered past.
We need to keep learning. One of the most rewarding ways to do that is by attending conferences.
- JSConf: Conferences for the JavaScript community.
- Fluent Conf: The O’Reilly Fluent Conference was first launched in 2012 as a new event for developers working with JavaScript, HTML5, and other web technologies. Fluent covers the full scope of the Web Platform and its associated technologies, including WebGL, CSS3, mobile APIs, Node.js, AngularJS, ECMAScript 6, and more.
- Velocity: Web operations, performance, DevOps, optimization, and more. Join the engineers, developers, and technology leaders who are defining the IT-driven business at the Velocity conference.
- MUNICH JS: MunichJS is a user group in Munich for developers (amateurs, journeymen and gurus) that meets monthly to discuss topics on JavaScript and ECMAScript. Meetings take place in each month on different locations. The group was established in October 2010 at the BarCamp in Munich. Orgnaized by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer@rauschma
- OSCON: Open source software, architecture, frameworks, and tools for today’s engineers
- JS REMOTE CONFS: JS Remote Conf is a great way to learn from the brightest minds in JavaScript while minimizing these issues. The main benefits of JS Remote Conf are: No travel, Low Cost, After Work, Watch Anywhere, Users’ Group Friendly
- React.js Conf: All cutting-edge techs related with React.
- nvm First install this…
- Node Then install Node (with nvm). You’ll need this even if you’re a front-end dev.
- npm Install lots of other things with npm. The package manager for JavaScript. Comes with Node.
- Sublime Text 3
- Node Inspector Debug Node code with the Chrome debug tools
- TraceGL Powerful runtime analysis of live JavaScript code
- Tern Static analysis in JavaScript
- JSDoc - Pair with Tern for static analysis
- Nitrous.IO (Supports live collaboration / pair programming)
- Slack Chat for teams, with GitHub and Google hangouts integration
- For hangouts, just type /hangout in any channel
- PrettyDiff
- ES6 Fiddle
Lint / Quality checkers
JavaScript environments
- Node.js Server side JavaScript and more
- io.js - The Node fork
- es5-shim Stable, production ready.
- es6-shim Somewhat stable, but a few things I thought were solid got shifted to ES7.
- es7-shim Experimantal. Use with caution.
- native-promise-only An ECMAScript standard promise polyfill by Kyle Simpson
- isomorphic-fetch A WHATWG fetch standard polyfill
- jQuery Yes, I still use jQuery and so do 61% of the top 100,000 websites - for good reason.
- Blaze DOM-diffing isomorphic reactive templates from Meteor
- RxJS Reactive extensions for JavaScript. What’s reactive?
- Moment A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
- Globalize i18n / translate your app for many languages and locations (locales)
- Express The most popular framework for Node
- Stampit Stampit - create objects from reusable, composable behaviors. Prototypal inheritance with stamps.
- Credential If you write Node apps with password logins, you need Credential
- cuid GUIDs are broken - use cuid, instead
- velocity & Velocity Motion Designer (VMD) UI animation library
- json-schema - Great for model validations
Web Components
QA / Deployment / Monitoring / CI
- PM2 Process monitoring / self repair
- New Relic Deep insights into the performance and health of your production apps
- Sauce Labs Cross platform web application testing with great collaboration and integration support
- Travis CI CI, of course
- Docker Run your CI process using the same OS configs as your production systems.
- Shippable Docker-based hosted build / CI
Pasting / sharing code
Hackable Hardware
For kids (and people who just love to have fun)
- Addy Osmani - App architecture expert, Chrome dev tools champion
- Angus Croll - Author, “If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript”
- Axel Rauschmayer - ES Next evangelist, author
- Brendan Eich - Created JavaScript
- David Nolen - Great functional programming content
- David Herman - Author, “Effective JavaScript”
- EchoJS - News and links
- Eric Elliott - That’s me. O’Reilly author. JavaScript architect. JS Instructor.
- Jafar Husain - Great talks on RxJS, ES next, etc…
- James Halliday aka Substack - author of ~one million~ Node modules you probably use.
- James Long - CSP, functional programming advocate, Mozilla developer
- JavaScript Cheerleader - Mover & shaker, JavaScript evangelist, documentary film maker
- JavaScript Daily - News and links
- Jordan Harband - Keeping us ahead of the JS curve
- Kyle Simpson - Author, YDKJS - O’Reilly, JS Instructor, open web evangelist
- Marijn Haverbeke - Author, “Eloquent JavaScript”
- Nicholas C. Zakas - Author, speaker
- Nick Morgan - Author, “JavaScript for Kids”
- Paul Irish - Developer evangelist, Chrome dev tools champion
- Reginald Braithwaite - Author, “JavaScript Allongé”, speaker, GitHub
- YDKJS - You Don’t Know JS, O’Reilly book series by Kyle Simpson
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Xin(Khalil) Zhang
28 January 2015